Outbox deploys integrated thermal temperature scanners via event N3™

October 22, 2020

Montreal cityscape at night

Over the past months, Outbox has worked tirelessly to develop new solutions to help its clients return to live entertainment. From launching a timed-entry solution, a social distancing sales tool and a live streaming platform, we are proud to now offer new access control solutions.These new access control solutions will allow venues to read body temperature and scan tickets upon venue entry. Scanners will first get an instant reading of the customers body temperature and the validate barcode. A safe and quick process.Two new devices solutions: To allow all venues and promoters to take advantage of this new feature, we have developed two solutions to meet our client’s needs and expectations.Integrated Thermal Scanner: This new scanner will replace the current Event N3™ access control readers with a new handheld device which will incorporate a thermal temperature reader and a ticket scanner. The combined results will determine who is allowed to enter the venue. The data collected through these scanners will be stored on the Outbox ticketing platform providing venue with real-time reporting on venue entry and safety.Wireless Bluetooth Scanner: This wireless body temperature reader will work in synch with the current Event N3™ ticket scanners. This thermal body temperature reader will provide data as accurate as our integrated scanners solution yet at a lower cost. Here as well, the data collected from both devices will immediately be stored on the Outbox ticketing platform providing venues with real-time reporting on venue entry and safety.Data and reports:While the body temperature will not be saved for confidentiality reasons, the temperature-based approval results and the time of entry will be stored in the customer record. By doing so, venue and promoters will be able to refer to this data at any time to validate that all recommended safety measures were applied.For more information, click here